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Sour end to India series

The seven match one day international series between India and Australia ended yesterday on a sour taste after the racial abuse directed at Andrew Symonds in the last two matches in particular.

The series wasn't what I expected because I thought India would push Australia all the way but that did not happen and in the sixth match Australia wrapped up the series with a 4-1 lead with one match to go.

I am keen to see what action the International Cricket Council (ICC) will take after what has happened so far. India will be one of the hosts of the 2011 Cricket world cup and unless this racial abuse is ended soon then it will not be an interesting world cup at all. I am sure the majority of Indian fans have nothing to do with this but it is that small minority that spoils it for everybody.

I believe that when this kind of racial abuse happens in any sport, the idea is to unsettle the players on the other team and hence gain an unfair advantage over that team. As a result I believe teams must be punished for the action of their fans when this happens.

Back to the cricket its good see Australia winning on the sub continent and this is particularly good with the next World Cup going to be on the sub-continent. India played well in the Twenty20 tournament but they could not carry this form into the one day international series to the disappointment of their fans.

Interestingly the next match is going to be a Twenty20 match and lets see what happens then and I hope that after that all we will talk about will be cricket.

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