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Not so good for Thornbury

I found the report that said that that according to the insurer AAMI Thornbury gets top spot for home break-ins in Melbourne a bit interesting.

At one time I lived not so far from Thornbury in Preston and I am a bit surprised that there are so many break-ins in that suburb but this is data from just one insurer and I think the one from the Victorian police would give a clearer picture I guess.

In second place was Elwood with Ascot Vale, Kew, Richmond taking the positions three to five. To complete the top ten were Clifton Hill, Coburg, East Malvern, Port Melbourne and Brighton.

It is interesting to see that the top ten suburbs are spread all over Melbourne which in a way shows that it is a widespread problem across Melbourne.

I will looking forward to seeing the Victorian police one which gets published in the newspapers from time to time.

...also one thing to note is that all these suburbs are close to the city, and it looks like the culprits are looking for areas where they stand better chances of getting valuables (makes sense).

So some of us in the outer suburbs with less endowed postcodes look safe. At the end of the day I agree its a Melbourne-wide it is all over every habitable place in the world, rich or poor, unless if its the Vatican, I'm sure they have got their local police there.........

Yes Mbareboy, the Vatican has a police force the Gendarme Corps of Vatican City State which is is responsible for security, public order, border control, traffic control, criminal investigation and other general police duties in Vatican City although it is a very small force most probably the smallest in the world.

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