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Water levels on record low

The Melbourne water storage levels went below the 30% mark for the first time in thirty nine years this week and that is a cause for concern I think.

As of today the water storage level is at 29.9% and I just hope the current rains will make sure that the level will go back to above 30 %. In a previous post I mentioned the new water restriction stage 3a for Melbourne that came into effect at the start of last month but I am now beginning to wonder whether this is the time to implement stage 4.

The Victorian Premier Steve Bracks said that the state government has options to counter water shortages and these include harvesting storm water from the Yarra river, a desalination plant, piping water over the Great Divide from the Goulburn Murray irrigation district and also piping recycled water from the Eastern Treatment Plant at Carrum to Gippsland for use at Latrobe Valley power stations.

These look like four good options but me and maybe a few other people would like to know when they will start seriously taking some measures to implement them. Its one thing having the options but its quite another implementing them and in time.

Wes, its always denial before action....and hoping that the situation wont get any worse more can happen than will happen, so we have got this power to anticipate possibilities and probabilities and implement plans ...and I agree the sooner the better by the Government in terms of action...they don't need to be reminded that Australia has been and will be the driest continent on earth.

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I think the assumption was that it would rain and then there would be enough water and so there would be no need to do anything. But as it is now, the water levels continue to drop despite some rain and therefore those plans should start being implemented and implemented now.

I agree with you mbareboy. Australia is the driest continent on earth it's a fact. I think all the guys in power know it but what they are really thinking about regarding this issue no-one knows. At this stage people should not be talking of the ways to tackle this problem but should be in the process of implementing a solution or the solution should be there in place and people already enjoying the fruits of the afore said proposals.

Why I say this is because the drought conditions of Australia have been known for quite a while now (over 130 years) and so the measures they are talking about should have been put in place way way back.

Hi Wes,
Good article. I agree with all the comments above. The time for action was 5 years ago unfortunately. As you know my family bought land recently near a Lake. That Lake is at 0.8% of its capacity. This is a Lake that is meant to service 15% of the water supply for a major Victorian city.

The more the politicians procrastinate the more it will end up costing 'Joe Public'


0.8% Dave sounds to me like there is no water at all in that lake! But seriously this highlights how the drought is affecting communities in smaller centres and yet there is a snail pace approach to come with solutions.